With any new superhero ability, it’s typically best to practice control and maximize your impact, so here are some best practices:
- Bring the viewer unique content.
Say you handle the social media for your local zoo. Your favorite animal is the lion (and obviously he attracts alot of visitors, how could he not!?). You decide to do a facebook live with him on a bright, sunny day. For 4-5 minutes you point your smartphone camera at him while he basks in the sun, swatting his tail back and forth to keep the flies off. When you’re done, you pat yourself on the back for doing your first facebook live video. You did it! Now, while it might take a few tries to get this right, this is what you’ve done wrong. As a viewer, you’ve offered me nothing new. You gave me the exact view I would have had if I had paid the entrance fee to the zoo and stood there myself for 4-5 minutes.
So how do you improve?
Take me behind the scenes! Show me the lion during feeding time, or bath time. What about when he’s with the vet getting his shots? Added bonus: you’re also showing me that the zoo is taking proper care of their animals! - Don’t overstay your welcome.
Facebook, and Facebook experts, like Mari Smith, recommend holding your session to between 5-20 minutes. Once you’ve done a few videos, you’ll start to see that it’s a small percentage of people that catch your entire video. It’s kind of like if you’re on a first date, and your date talks for the first 30 minutes about himself…how long is it going to take you to check out? Except your viewers aren’t stuck, they’ll just navigate away because they can. - Give me some warning!
Post an image with information about when you’re going live up to 24 hours prior to actually going live. Tease me, I might change my schedule around for you. - Encourage Engagement
Facebook Live was created for interaction. Ask your audience questions(maybe even ahead of time in your pre-live post) and acknowledge them as they join you. - Incorporate a Call to Action.
What should I do as I watch or finish your video? Should I purchase tickets to your event? Should I subscribe to your page? Should I share the video? - Edit your videos.
While you can only post your Facebook Live videos from a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet, you can only edit from your computer (at least at the time I’m writing this). Tag contributors, give a headline, add the interests so that people can find your videos. You can also organize all of your Facebook videos in video playlists on your page. - Repurpose your content.
Share on Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram, email marketing and your website.
Want to see these methods in action? Visit our Facebook Live for Rochester Lilac Festival Case Study.